Release 27th May 2024 3. kesä 2024


  • Manual Load MultiPick – whole columns of items and more can be now manually adjusted using the Manual Load functionality
  • Browser’s Back/Forward buttons now navigate through the application’s tabs history
  • Refresh/Reload of the application page goes back to the current tab
  • Leaving the application with an unsaved work will now prompt for a confirmation


  • Loading algorithm – loading of same cargo items placed in multiple Priority Groups now works without issues
  • Small bugfixes


  • Smarter and more reliable autosaving of your work on a shipment
  • Backspace key can be used the same as Delete key – for removing selected items from a cargo space during Manual Load
  • Wider Main Menu to accommodate longer localizations

Release 4th April 2024 10. huhti 2024


  • Mouse Zoom/Movement speed settings – sensitivity of zooming and moving inside the 3D visualization via mouse or touchpad can be adjusted


  • Improved layout of Add Group button and added new Add Cargo Item button in the in-app Cargo Items panel
  • Better handling and information messages if shipment saving fails unexpectedly or because of a reached quota
  • Better behavior when deleting user’s Default shipment

Hotfix 8th February 2024 19. helmi 2024


  • Fixed issue when users could be unjustly blocked by the server because of MS Office behavior of inserted public shipment links

Release 23rd January 2024 24. tammi 2024


  • Shipments API – added method for creating Public links to shipments


  • Shipment and Cargo items import – when importing Excel sheet without a measurement system specified, the user’s default system will be used
  • Prettier emails


  • User’s name on Profile Tab caption is now being properly encoded on profile edit

Hotfix 16th January 2024 24. tammi 2024


  • Braintree Order Successful page – button ”Continue Here” was missing a text

Release 5th December 2023 13. joulu 2023


  • Adding new user – automatic trimming of whitespaces in email address

Release 29th November 2023 30. marras 2023


  • Sign In page shows loading correctly when waiting for authentication
  • License Key Activation page loading layout fixed

Hotfix 23rd November 2023 27. marras 2023


  • Disabled payments of new orders via PayPal