Students are the future of the world. Almost everyone has heard this sentence during their time at school or university, which ought to be motivational and supportive. Well, sometimes it did the exact opposite, right? However, we totally agree with the statement, and that’s why we’ve launched the program EasyCargo for Schools. How does the program work and why is it popular amongst teachers?


EasyCargo for schools



EasyCargo is a useful educational tool that can be used for teaching students the art of precise logistics. How can a truck or container be loaded most efficiently? Currently, more than 200 schools and universities use EasyCargo to teach their students how to optimize container loadings and are part of the EasyCargo for Schools program. And the teachers are more than satisfied with using our software to develop the skills of their students.

What is EasyCargo for Schools about?

A few educational institutions reached out to us and showed an interest in using our software to teach their students about logistics—more specifically how to plan the most efficient loadings. That’s why we decided to make a special offer for schools and universities.

The professors are offered to try EasyCargo in a free trial. Not the regular 10-day one, but for the whole year. That way, the professors can prepare their educational plan with EasyCargo as its integral part. We can’t forget about the students either, for them we have a 30-day trial also for free.

If the school decides to buy the license after the free trial, the program offers special pricing. We also provide special worksheets. They are carefully designed to show the students all the useful features EasyCargo has to offer. Also for teachers we offer step-by-step worksheets as exclusive material for members of the EasyCargo project for schools.

What are the benefits of the program for schools?

We reached out to the institutes, which use EasyCargo as a learning tool, and asked them to evaluate the benefits or disadvantages of the online planning software. We were pleased to hear that all the teachers would recommend EasyCargo to their colleagues. What qualities do they appreciate the most?

One of the benefits of EasyCargo for the teachers was how intuitive the software is, also thanks to the well-worked graphics. The 3D visualization, in which you can see the planned loading, helped the students understand the process more and lead them to better results. Students also mentioned that the user interface is very friendly and easy to manipulate within. For them, the option of seeing the model of their planned loading was also the most valuable.

Both students and teachers stated that they frequently watched the How-to videos on our website to solve all the problems they have faced while using the software or simply to learn more about the features EasyCargo has.

I want my school to be a part of this project

If you want to purchase a license for your school, university, or other educational institution, contact us ( and we will find the most suitable offer for you. EasyCargo is a great option to teach your students how they will work in the future, as it is used by more than a thousand companies around the world.

Martina Krupičková | Đã đăng 14. Feb 2023